Monday 21 April 2014

The Smell After Rain

Pensive afternoon, stormy and grey
Stuck in maths, at the end of the day
Unlike the teacher, the clock ticks
And the students perform arithmatics
By an open window I breathe
And watch the bushes sway and heave
The sigh of heat is broken
Under murmurs of a clouded ocean
Dark spots on a playground's floor
One or two, and then some more
Great thudding drops from heaven descend
Just in time for class to end
Warm and zipped with hood on hair
I care little for a stranger's stare
The best thing in rain is to run
To dance over puddles and skip for fun
Waves of rain fall like curtain
No question of what is (or isn't) certain
My hood is a drum and the rain is a beat
I scuttle and rhythm through my feet
My face is wet and my hands are numb
But I am free from that trivial sum
And as the clouds withdraw
The rhythm pounds no more
Pavement heated by the sun
I know that smell! Freedom!

Stand, Europe

German sausage and Viennese columns
Are protected by statutes and Golums
So mighty is the German craft
It cannot lend those Greeks a raft
For disagreement we are unable
To rescue culture from its cradle
No reform in forlorn France
Who's head is up its own ass
No support from folded-arms Britain
Who is twice shy, but has yet to be bitten
Italy is loathe to compensate
Those mafia dons who won't incorporate
Out with Silvio, out with Monti
We don't like politics in full nuddie

So its left to Alba and Estonia
Poland, and those who remember Bosnia
To stand up to bears and eagles
For a land united by historic evils
What here, then, is worth saving?
With torn-down monarchs and dictats raving
Europe, stand, upon your law
Only you know what came before
Only you know the heights and splendour
Of fertile land and high culture
You know how it feels to have wounds torn and tender
Yet you squat as some old vulture.

House a Home

You baseless cads with your aplomb
Pretend you have an atom bomb
The truth is that your phony war
Is much the same as it was before

So much “meh” and “never mind”
As if neutral is not unkind
So famished am I by your neglect
I feel our friendship is now a wreck

Beached on rocks of breakfast, dinners,
Where you judge we are as sinners
Begrudge me one last sliver of meat
Paid for by my hands and feet

My body aches, it is as stone
Caught in mud and left alone
You who bicker and fight and crone
Make it hard to call a house a home.

Dead End Job

How I long for graveside walks
Among the trees and bees and stalks
Swept away among my rushes
I pace and run for far off buses
Putting pots upon a shelf
For meagre scraps of another's wealth
Sacrificing on an alter
Opinionated homage to Walter

Unwitting gods these clever men
Who are much rarer than one in ten
So then are the odds
For us shop working sods
To climb the hill
Takes another's will
So economistic symbols
Use workers as its thimbles
No proper kiss but cupboard love
Two for one on this laced glove!

When putting out these POS
As meaningless as cyber sex
I think longingly of church knave
But really want to walk by that grave.